Announcing “Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations”


“Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations” has been submitted to the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) for publication in time for the first ever “International Marine Forensics Symposium” to be held April 3, 4, 5, 2012 in Washington DC

The Guidelines book is written lay persons language as 46 peer reviewed, stand alone chapters or groups of chapters that will allow new investigators to learn how to set up a new investigation or to proceed with a historical investigation.

The first section introduces the work of the SNAME Marine Forensics Committee and describes the most common types of marine casualties and their signature types of damage.

The second section in 16 chapters deals with, fires, explosions, human remains, human factors, corrosion, electrical systems, the forensic analysis of cordage and moorings, and investigation techniques.

The third section is devoted to tool for performing marine investigations and is a 101 level introductions to Diving, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Manned Submersibles, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Launch And Recovery Systems (LARS) and techniques, Underwater tool and search and inspection systems

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The fourth section covers the Hydrodynamics of ships and search tools and how to set up a forensic analysis with examples.

The fifth section describes how to plan a field expedition in two chapters, the analysis of debris fields, Salvage operations and techniques and the different phased of a typical marine forensic investigation.   Artifact preservation is introduced at a high level and expedition dive series planning is discussed.   The use of charts and maps and data perishability is discussed in a brief chapter.

The sixth and final section covers the marine environment including hazards, currents waves and winds.  It describes the ranges of conditions to be expected and where to find the right data to support expedition planning and analysis projects.

Lastly there is an index and glossary.   Each chapter has a list of references that the user can turn to, to dig deeper into a specific topic.

For symposium news:


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