Welcome, Benvenuti, Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, Willkommen, Aloha, Kal?s orisate to my blog, as we voyage on local, national, and international waters.
Since my topic is so vast, deciding what to call my blog has been a challenge; after all, I’m a shipwreck survivor—specifically the Andrea Doria. Shouldn’t I call it “Survival on Our Seas” or “Safety on Our Seas”? After doing a google search about the seas, I realized the subject is far too fascinating to limit my content to personal survival and safety. After all, there is sailing, swimming, surfing, surveying, ships, shipwrecks—all “s” words for the acronym SOS. There is also ecology, geography, geology, biology, climate, preservation, and oceans of research to consider.
Finally, I asked myself: what is my objective? The answer was as crystal clear as the Caribbean—to serve our seas. Therefore, you can expect to read and comment on any of the above topics. I even invite you to discuss lakes, streams, waterfalls, canals, and more. By surviving a catastrophe on the Atlantic, I’ve earned the right to embrace any water issues
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What could be more important, I ask you? We live in a world of water. It covers most of the planet’s surface. We ourselves are made of it — roughly 60 percent of the human body (and 70 percent of our brains) is water. Water IS synonymous with survival!
Welcome to my journey of “Serving Our Seas”.
Bon voyage with me!