Remembering the 53rd Anniversary of the Andrea Doria

On July 25 history recalls one of the greatest maritime disasters in history: the ramming of the Swedish liner Stockholm into the luxurious Italian Andrea Doria. On July 26, it honors the greatest maritime rescue in peacetime.

As a survivor and author of this event, I sent a press release to media, survivors, and survivors’ families

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. As a result, I did a radio interview and received messages from surviving families. One in particular was very touching: Carmelo Grillo wrote a commemorative message on behalf of his deceased son, Anthony Grillo.  Although Anthony and his mother survived the collision, Anthony died five years ago at a young age.

 Fortunately for history, he left us his “labor of love”—the most extensive website on the Andrea Doria- Stockholm tragedy, It still receives thousands of visitors monthly.

Another interesting communiqué that I received was from sea captain Raffaello Minotauro. A friend of Carmelo Grillo, the captain has graciously offered to collaborate in my endeavors toward safety at sea.   For this I’m very grateful since Minotauro has worked diligently in this field. There will be blog entries from Captain Minotauro from time to time.

For complete information on the Andrea Doria-Stockholm calamity, please visit

Posted in Andrea Doria, Survivor Stories, Uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Remembering the 53rd Anniversary of the Andrea Doria

  1. Lena Ridi says:

    Hello I was a on the Andrea Doria. I was four at the time and remember the chaos and fear like it was yesterday.
    My name at the time was Marilyn Graf.
    I am wondering if you may know of any reunions or get togethers.
    Thank-you, Lena

    • pierette says:

      DEAR LENA,
      I apologize for the late reply! thanks for writing. you obviously have an incredible memory! that can be a blessing or curse depending on the situation. I thought I had replied on FB. There are no plans yet for a reunion, but stay in touch because there has been some interest.
      All the best to you!

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