Anti-Piracy System

“International Maritime Security Network, LLC conducted their first phase testing of the originally designed, non-lethal Triton Shield Anti-Piracy System (APS). Horizon Lines, LLC, a US flagged container ship operator serving US domestic routes and Asia, offered their resources and assets to the project.” This is information was reported by on August 26, 2009. The new APS  is intended to Detect, Deter, and Defend. Although its efficacy will be in the use of water—the most available commodity at sea—there is no concrete explanation of how it will work. I must say, it sounds fascinating.

The least original part of the 3-D slogan is that that “Defend” aspect will include trained manpower on board.

Since 90% of all goods are shipped by sea, defending the world economy on water will become one of the most important issues to maintain economic, political, and environmental stability for our planet.  I can only hope we use a clever combination of wisdom and technology.

If you know any more about the APS, please let me know

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