Publication of "The Loss of Andrea Doria"

Today, a technical paper that I co-authored with naval architect and friend, William Garzke, goes to publication. This is a proud moment for me. It is an opportunity to help humanity—specifically in contributing to passenger safety on our seas. This introduction explains our topic and the purpose for having written about it

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The Loss of Andrea Doria

A Marine Forensic Analysis


William H. Garzke, Jr. and Pierette Domenica Simpson

ABSTRACT            The Andrea Doria shipwreck of 1956 is still of interest to naval architects and historians. It pertains to the most catastrophic and the most recent collision in history between two ocean liners. One of the most controversial aspects of the event involves the sinking of the Italian luxury liner. This report’s main goal is to delve into the reasons for the sinking, which is surprisingly still controversial and debated. A  New York Times article published only last year, called “From Death Ship to Cruise Ship”—referring to the Stockholm—attracted an editorial response from a Swedish co-author of a book on the collision. Mr. Bruce Paulsen wrote: “…the ship never should have sunk; she did so because of a substantial design defect.”

After much research done by author-survivor Pierette Simpson, who was provided with substantial data from findings of marine experts in both Italy and the United States that included members of Panel SD-7, she conducted her own inquiry, along with dialogue with divers and crewmembers of the Andrea Doria. This paper presents definitive conclusions on the sinking based on information from Ms. Simpson and Italian naval architects familiar with the ship’s design as well as insights on a marine forensics investigation by co-author and Chairman of Panel SD-7 William Garzke.


Our technical paper is being published in the Journal of Ship Production. Here’s the description I found on their website.

“Original and timely technical papers addressing problems of shipyard techniques and production of merchant and naval ships appear in this quarterly publication. Since its inception, the Journal of Ship Production has been a forum for peer-reviewed, professionally edited papers from academic and industry sources. As such, it has influenced the worldwide development of ship production engineering as fully qualified professional discipline. Each issue contains a well-rounded selection of technical papers relevant to ship professionals, including written discussions and author’s closures.”

The Journal is published by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)

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