Audio CD Book Alive the Andrea Doria Is a Winner At the Hollywood Book Festival

I almost fell overboard when I received notice that my audio CD book of Alive on the Andrea Doria has won national recognition from the Hollywood Book Festival. To see a list of winners:    

The Honorable Mention award will be celebrated in Hollywood on July 23 at the Roosevelt Hotel

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. I will not be attending but I hope to get noticed by film, TV, and others in the production industry. Could this be the start of something big in Hollywood?? According to the Festival website:

“Based in the capital of show business, the Hollywood Book Festival aims to spotlight literature worthy of further consideration by the talent-hungry pipeline of the entertainment industry.”

A special thanks to my friend Karlheinz Baumann for his exhaustive production and editing! I also thank the five survivors who read their stories: Germaine Strobel, Mike Stoller, Madge Young Nickerson, Jerome Reinert, and Sister Angelita Myerscough. If you would like to hear a two-minute excerpt, go to It’s on the homepage, along with the offer for free book with every purchase.

A press release will follow.

Thanks for letting me share my excitement!

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