Interviewed on “Local Authors”

If you live in Walled Lake, I invite you to view a program called “Local Authors” on Walled Lake Cable’s channel 20

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. I did an interview based on my book. It will be aired on Tuesdays, starting May 24, at 10:30 am. Also on Thursdays, starting May 26, at 8:00 pm. for an entire month.

I hope you’ll find it  an easy watch;  it wasn’t easy conversation between me and the host, Sue Camilleri.  At one point during the interview I had to remind myself I was on television;  it felt so comfortable!

Comment from Sue and program director, Janet  Christian:  Thank you for being such a good guest!

My pleasure!  I look forward to the next interview;  it will take place when I’m finished with my children’s version of Alive on the Andrea Doria.

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