Honoring my grandparents on the 55th anniversary of the Andrea Doria- Stockholm tragedy

” Do you relive the whole experience each year on this day?” a dear friend asked me,  referring to the 55th anniversary of the collision and sinking of  Italian luxury liner,  Andrea Doria.  This is what I explained:

It’s a sad day for me, remembering what my family experienced 55 years ago

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. Especially my grandparents who never got over the trauma of fighting for survival on the dark and deep Atlantic. On this day I commemorate their courage for bringing me to America, handing me over to my new family, and starting from nothing (having lost all belongings) to build a new life.

Featured “On This Day” in the New York Times: you can read a brief account of the Andrea Doria- Stockholm collision– the worst sea collision between two ocean liners in peacetime history–http://www.nytimes.com/learnin​g/general/onthisday/big/0725.h​tml#article

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