First International Marine Forensics Symposium to Announce Ground-Breaking News in Underwater Exploration and Mark 100th Anniversary of Sinking of Titanic


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First International Marine Forensics Symposium to Announce Ground-Breaking News in Underwater Exploration and Mark 100th Anniversary of Sinking of Titanic

Symposium Papers Will Also Focus on Other Major Shipwrecks

JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY /NOVEMBER 20, 2011— The largest gathering of prominent scientists, archaeologists, oceanographers, engineers and authors including P.H. Nargeolet, world-renowned pioneer in the field of deep-sea exploration, and Pierette Simpson, author and survivor of the 1956 SS Andrea Doria shipwreck, will participate in the Inaugural International Marine Forensics Symposium, April 3-5, 2012 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland.

The Symposium will mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, which occurred on April 15, 1912, and will feature technological breakthroughs and groundbreaking news specifically relating to the Titanic.

Highlighting the impact that technology has had in the field of underwater exploration, the symposium will also introduce a new comprehensive (over 15 years in the making) procedural manual, “Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations.”   The manual outlines the correct processes for conducting successful marine forensic investigations.   In addition, a “Student Day” program for students in grades 7 through college on April 5, will offer hands-on scientific experiments and discussions led by experts in the field of Marine Forensic Investigations.

The symposium is co-sponsored by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), The American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), and the Marine Technology Society (MTS).  According to naval architect and marine forensics expert, William Garzke, Chairman of the Marine Forensics Committee of SNAME and Symposium Chairman, “The use of technology has revolutionized the entire maritime industry and interest in the field of marine forensics is at an all time high.  For the first time in SNAME’s 117 year history, our symposium will be open to the public.”

Symposium panel discussions, led by leading scientific experts, will underscore how underwater exploration, technology and marine forensics has changed history, impacted ship building and effected the way shipwrecks and aviation disasters are discovered and handled.

Prior to 1985, a ship that sank in deep water was lost forever

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. But a camera-on-a-cable search procedure, developed by Robert Ballard during his search for the Titanic pioneered the approach to finding and exploring lost ships.  Most recently, PH Nargeolet utilized autonomous undersea vehicles (AUV’s) to lead a team of underwater explorers to discover the black box from the 2010 Air France flight 447 ocean disaster.

In addition to marking the anniversary of the RMS Titanic sinking, the symposium will also recognize the 150th anniversary of the sinking of USS Monitor on December 31st 1862 and the destruction of Commodore Barney’s Flagship, the USS Scorpion during the war of 1812.  For complete details on the International Marine Forensics Symposium, including early registration discounts, visit the website:


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