If there were an Andrea Doria movie

Recently, I met a world renowned opera singer, Francesco Demuro, and his lovely wife.  He did a performance in  Detroit all the way from Italy,  although he is Sardinian in heritage ( Sardinia was once a province of Italy).  When … Continue reading

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Feedback from the SNAME* Annual Conference

Dear Pierette: The Marine Forensic Committee that I chair opened the Technical and Research Session of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers at its national meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. Our one-hour part of the program as certainly … Continue reading

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"The Decay of the Andrea Doria" to be Presented at SNAME Annual Conference

On October 22, my friends John Moyer and Steve Gatto are heading to the SNAME (society of naval architects and marine engineers) conference in Rhode Island. Their friend, naval architect Phil Simms, will be presenting a scientific paper co-authored by Moyer, Gatto, and Simms … Continue reading

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